Friday, December 4, 2009

Karmic, VPN,

To use the VPN service provided by in Karmic, complete the following steps (one thing changed since Jaunty):
  1. Install the PPTP plug-in for Network Manager
    $ sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp
  2. Restart Network Manager
    $ sudo service network-manager restart
  3. Create the VPN connection
  4. In the "Advanced..." settings, enable "Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)"

The one change is minor. Instead of the command "sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart" in step 2, it is now "sudo service network-manager restart". Both commands seem to work, but the new command is the preferred method.

(I had a previous post about getting to work in Jaunty.)


  1. Hi!
    I am trying your post about itshidden on Karmic (Full up to date), after getting a free id on itshidden site, and before to may be pay for VPN in the freedom's country Sarko-France.
    Its seems that it doesnt work fine :
    1) Update of password and MPPE are not taken in account in VPN connection manager.
    2) When i try to connect thru VPN in connection manager, i get an error message like "cannot connect coz the start of VPN service failed"

    Could you help me please?

    Note : does mppe need a kernel patch?

    Thank you.

  2. Hi, I'm quite new to Ubuntu and still trying to figure it all out. I managed to follow the instructions above and set up my itshidden vpn connection (which works fine with win xp), but how do I get it to connect? When I go onto Firefox it doesn't use it automatically.

  3. After creating a VPN connection (as described above), enable it by clicking NetworkManager Applet -> VPN Connections -> NAME_OF_VPN_CONNECTION.

  4. Thanks a lot, it worked.
    BTW pptp comes with 10.04 Lucid .

  5. Does anyone know how to configure deluge to work with the ItsHidden VPN service?

    Can anyone post step by step instructions for setting it up?

  6. No configuration is needed. As a VPN, all network traffic goes through ItsHidden before continuing on to its actual destination.

  7. This is really helpful! it's easy as 123. Thank you for this post! I am really glad I found this site. I thought that creating VPN account was that complicated. Thank you and more power to your site!


  8. i cant get it too connect for some reason.iam using ubuntu 10.04 and when i click on use point to point encryption only mschap and mschapv2 are the picture it has a couple more.any ideas?

  9. Hi,

    I have a problem that i don't think really exist:P
    I can make a connection to the service but not reach any sites. I have tried every fix that is available trough this site both for karmic and jaunty. I read somewhere on their page that u can use opendns instead? I can't post any logs because i don't know how to get one..


  10. The VPN connction 'VPN connection 1' failed to start because the VPN service failed to start. what do i do from here?

  11. Can anyone tell what to write in password field ??

  12. very incomplete, this is the 2nd article that jumps directly to the "Advanced..." button without saying where should I find that "Advanced..." thing

  13. Are probably are not using Karmic, which is no longer supported. The layout probably changed.
